What I am meant to do to try to help solve the situation between my 2 older sisters who are both dating? Should I be listening to them fighting? Is it for me to butt in and say my opinion or making it worse? How do I try to prevent it or stop it in any way I could? What do I do?

Shalom, I’ve done this once before, about 15 years ago when my children were teens. I had heard that fasting for 40 days was a segulah for one’s children to grow up shomrei Torah Umitzvoth. That seem to have worked :). Anyway, I’m considering doing that again because of the ‘eis tzarah’ klal yisroel is in right now. If the 40 days run into Chanukah, do I fast on Chanukah? Second question, I’m 15 years older now, and I fear doing this will be quite a bit more difficult. If I drink over the course of the day, a coffee in the morning, some water or an energy drink in the early afternoon when I’m usually flagging during a busy day, even when I’m eating, would that still count as fasting for something like this. I appreciate any help with this.. Shloime  

Although I know the majority of Hebrew names are biblical/of Jewish origin, I'd like know if you take a non-Hebrew name and translate, can it be used as one? Provided the name is compatible with being translated, of course.