The text of the 10 commandments differs in parshas Yisro and Eschanan. What are the accepted explanations for the differences. Which text was actually written on the luchos? Is there an opinion that 1 was the text on the 1st luchos and the other on the 2nd luchos?   Another question. I know several people who passed away without children - distant relatives and friends. Is there any inyan for me to light a yarhzeit light for them on their yarhzeit or is it only for the children to do? Many thanks

My neighbor says he likes my sukkah so much, he has offered to trade his with me for mine. He showed me his and I actually like his better than mine because it is more spacious. He likes the material mine is made of. I am not badly attached to my sukkah. I got it several years ago from someone who was giving it away. I actually like this trade. Does Halacha permit this? One of my concerns is that either of us could be violating the tenth commandment by coveting a neighbor’s property, even if we both agree to this trade.

Dear Rabbi, The recent controversy in Tel Aviv on Yom Kippur about holding prayer in public without a partition has me wondering. What is the reason for having a physical separation in a place of prayer? Thanks!