In the laws of family purity, there are two categories, women who are niddah, and women who are Zavah. A niddah is a woman who experiences her menstrual cycle, whereas a Zavah is a woman with a spontaneous uterine discharge unrelated to her menstrual cycle. If a woman decides to “skip a period” by taking menstruation suppression therapy, and then menstruates after her normal cycle, does she have the status of a Niddah (just with a delayed cycle), or is this considered a Zavah (spontaneous discharge)?

Is biometric screening to open a door or do some other thing permitted on Shabbat? I ask because I read there was a rabbinic ruling that said one can use an electric keycard on Shabbos, and this wouldn’t be an issue of “writing” since the biometric detection is purely digital. So, according to those poskim who allow a hotel keycard, would this be permitted?

Are there any mourning restrictions Jews should be observing this week due to the tragic events in Israel? (e.g. those similar to Sfira/3 weeks)

If during the present time, as Israel goes to war against the enemy, an Israeli soldier meets a woman in Gaza and finds her attractive, and convinces her to convert to Judaism and marry him, would he be required to follow all the steps described at the beginning of Ki Tetze for one who finds a beautiful woman among the captives?