My mother passed away on 2 shevat. When do I finish my year mourning?

I ordered a Shema Yisrael bracelet and received this instead. What does it say/mean? Barry Sherwin

I did and said some awful things to my elderly aunt. I have tried repeatedly to apologize but she hangs up on me. Recently I have been doing lots of things for other people in an effort to make up for my wrongs. I volunteer teaching crafts once a week to people with traumatic brain injuries and I am scheduled to donate a kidney to a stranger. It really bothers me that she won’t forgive me, although my transgressions were great. I don’t know what else to do. I have written apologies and left messages on her answering machine. I do not know if I should continue to ask for forgiveness or accept that she simply will not forgive me.

What I am meant to do to try to help solve the situation between my 2 older sisters who are both dating? Should I be listening to them fighting? Is it for me to butt in and say my opinion or making it worse? How do I try to prevent it or stop it in any way I could? What do I do?