My mother is non-jewish, and my father is jewish. I know this means religiously I'm not jewish, but I always felt connected to judiasm. We as a family celebrate hannukah, pesach, rosh hassanah, and do Kom yippur. However, I feel the need to be more observant. I am not able to official convert until later, so should I become more observant? Should I even try to keep kosher, because I know non-jews are not to do religious things? Am I a jew? Am I a goy? I'm not sure what to do. Thank you Rabbi  

Under the Levitical Law, what is the significance of the eighth day, when a man or woman must bring a sacrice of two turtles or doves? Why the eighth day? What does that do?

Hi. My Bible study group at Friendswood Methodist Church in Friendswood Texas is finishing up the NT book of Hebrews. The study book author has brought up some issues, and we were wondering if you could clarify. So…within this book, the issue of atonement came up. And sacrifices. He said that the sacrifices made by the Jews (Hebrews?) BEFORE Jesus (who to us is the ultimate sacrifice) were not made for atonement, and were just a symbolic act foreshadowing the blood sacrifice of Jesus. So, after all those birds, goats, bulls were sacrificed on the temple altar, God said, oh, just kidding, that didn’t count? Your sins are not atoned for? Is that what the sacrifices were for? I always thought they were atoning for their sins. And when did the animal sacrifices end? When the temple was destroyed? Or sometime after? The author of Hebrews is trying to make a point w/ his audience to quit the sacrifices already! Along w/ some other points, too. Thanks for taking the time w/ this. Look forward to your answer.