Is it permissible to use weed killer (for example, roundup) on Shabbat to destroy weeds)? In this case, the weeds are destroyed, not uprooted from the ground, and the weed clearing is done daily to maintain a healthy backyard. If the Rabbis could, please bring a source or responsa you find on this.

My wife and I are both secular Jews living in the USA. We never cared about Judaism and always kept it a secret, but we were so touched by the events in Israel that it has made us think about who we are. We have been reading and watching YouTube videos about religion and we really want to be with our people and observe. We don’t live in a Jewish community, but we want to put our house on the market and move into one. We are civilly married to each other for many years and we have grown children, but we never had a religious ceremony and we have no ketubah. Are we required to undergo a religious ceremony at some point? Are we required to live separately until we do so?

Dear Rabbi, Would you explain the significance of having a mezuzah on your house? Thank you!

Dear Rabbi, I must admit that recent events in Israel and the world frighten me. What does Judaism teach about dealing with fear like mine? Thanks!

If someone has to violate civil law and risk going to jail in order to obey Torah law, what is one supposed to do? It just so happened that I witnessed a car accident this Shabbat. No injuries, but a lot of property damage. A police officer arrived on the scene and demanded I sign a witness statement. He said if I didn’t sign it, he would put me in handcuffs and into a police car and take me to jail for failure to obey a lawful order. I told him I couldn’t sign on Saturday because of my religious beliefs, but he didn’t care. He was very mean and viewed me as uncooperative. There was no one else around I could ask for help. I concluded that either way, I would be breaking Shabbat, and I reluctantly signed it with a scribble.