I had a very close relationship with my maternal grandparents. My grandfather died ten and my grandmother six years ago. When my grandmother was dying, she had me make a promise to her that when I got married someday, if I had a son, I would name him after my grandfather, to which I agreed. Now, I have a dilemma. I just got engaged to someone with a different English name, but with the same Hebrew name as my grandfather. My fiancé doesn’t even call himself by his Hebrew name most of the time, but obviously I can’t give that name to a child. What should I do when the time comes?

I am not Jewish, but I am a supporter of the state of Israel and I have been there twice. My best friend has become an active supporter of the Palestinians. He recently attended a rally in DC for a ceasefire. He is brainwashed by the propaganda and doesn’t get it what is really going on. I can’t reason with him on this. I told him that Hammas murdered thousands of Israeli children and took hundreds of hostages. His response is that two wrongs don’t make a right. What can I tell him now?

How do we know that the fruits that we identify as grapes, dates, figs, pomegranates, and olives in modern times are the same ones as described in the Torah for the purpose of the bracha acharona?

My wife and I have been married for 37 years. We have been very happy with our own relationship and had a lot of love for each other and a lot of career and monetary success and rich social lives. But we struggled and could not have any children and never did, which has always made us very sad. The other day, while cleaning the glass frame that houses it, I looked at our ketubah and noticed my Hebrew middle name is misspelled by one letter. The misspelling changes it to another common Hebrew name. The rabbi who officiated and one of the two witnesses who signed it are long deceased, and I have lost touch with and don’t know the whereabouts of the other witness. What should I do about this? And could this be the reason we could never have children?

Dear Rabbi, With the current war that Israel is fighting, I hear a lot of talk about teshuva. What does it mean and who is it for? Thanks