I was curious, what are general Jewish views on feminism. The reason I ask is because many feminists say Judaism, like other faiths, is misogynistic/sexist, due to lack of female leadership, modesty laws, etc. so what should the outlook be?

When I was a kid, my parents played for me lots of Jewish themed songs about mitzvahs and composed of words of prayers written for children. I heard them so often, I can remember every word of these songs very clearly. But I have no idea the names of the bands that made these songs. I have tried singing them to other people in our community, but no one seems to know what these songs are. I’ve concluded they must have been made by obscure bands that sold few records. Considering how old I am now, and that these musicians were adults in my early childhood, I can’t imagine any of them are still alive today, and if they are, they are extremely old. Would it be permitted for me to make money singing these same songs to others when I can’t track down or even identify the original artists?

In terms of friendship, the answer is obvious--we keep a distance--in business, however, there is the question as to What obligation the modern Torah-Observant Jew has towards homosexuals who are open about their sexuality, since in the Diaspora we do business with a variety of individuals and we are not allowed to discriminate. In Leviticus 20:13 we learn that Hashem has instructed Israel to impose the harshest of all possible punishments for the sin of homosexual relations among men. My question is this: If the Halacha does not change with the times, are we to interpret the same punishment is still valid today for a modern day Israel --which is a nationalist state and not a Theocracy? Is this punishment not reserved for a Theocracy whereby the Moshiach is our leader? BECAUSE.....If that punishment were to be followed, it would be devastating to Israel's relations with other countries--especially Europe-- which has a more tolerant policy, and that lack of business that would result would create further damage to our ability to do other mitzvot. Therefore, what is Modern day Israel obligated to in terms of relations with sexually immoral individuals (many of whom are Israelis)

With everything going on right now I have a question. Many Christians believe that we are supposed to support Israel and the Jewish people in there taking back the Holy lands of the Old Testament. Do Jewish people care wether or not Christians fight along side them? Do the Jewish people look at Christians as fools who believe in a false and failed profit who by there blood lines and or conversion to Christianity ( which from my understanding is a sin worthy of death for a Jew and a violation of one of the 3 main commandments ) is completely impossible and that no Christian will ever enter into the kingdom of God? And what do Jewish people think about Christians and there belief that they must defend and back the nation of Israel and the Israeli people?

I was curious rabbis, how does Judaism respond to people who are atheists because of insufficient evidence for god other than referring back to the Torah. Since atheists don’t believe there is a god to begin with, how do I try to convince them of his existence other than the Torah?