On a spiritual level, what is the most important message to learn from the holiday of Hannukah?

If one is trying to daven mincha before sunset (the time that would be 18 minutes after candlelighting if it were a Friday), and he barely misses this time, and there is still some visible daylight in the minutes that immediately follow, is he still permitted to daven mincha then? Or does he wait until maariv and recite maariv amidah twice?

We have an apartment in Tel Aviv which we are going to let a family from Sderot stay in while the war is on. They do not keep kosher and I wonder if once they have used my dishes and pots etc., if I can use them afterwards if they are toiveled?

I need help. I don’t know what to do. A while back, I got drunk at a party and impregnated a gentile woman. I didn’t realize what I was doing. Now she is having my baby and refuses to get an abortion. I am scared now. What should I do about this?