There are lots of Jews in this world who have a Jewish mother and gentile father. In the eye of Halacha, is there anything different about them from those who have two Jewish parents? Are they treated any differently, or are there any special laws that they or others around must follow? I am curious because in Leviticus 24:10-23 is the story of a man who fits this description, who was excluded and blasphemed G-d, and was put to death.

Hello Rabi .. what is the perspective of woman's wear in Judaism? What about scarf or hijab .. can a faithful women dress in bikinis on beach or what?

For English speakers, what are some resources (like in terms to where you can find it) for learning the Halacha of shekalim?

We are getting married in the summer next year. We have lived together for more than seven years and already spend a lot of time together alone. We just watched a video from an orthodox rabbi who said Yichud at a wedding is supposed to be the first time a couple spends alone. Since we have already been alone and sexually active for so many years now, do we still do Yichud at the wedding?

Hi, I know we don't name babies after living relatives - but what about alterations of names? My mom's name is Lin (Linda), my Dad's name is Don (Donald) and we are considering the baby name Lindon - a conglomeration of both which also honors my English roots. Is this name "kosher"?