Dear Rabbi , thanks for giving us some of your time .. I just Can't forgive God ...some times i do feel hatered towards him ...i can't just stop believing that the story he invented was all bulls***t ... Why did he gave permission for a pig like human to kill the other one ! Just why ! Tell me why ! Just why some where poor others are not ! I know thats its a matter of politics and some goverments are not looking for their peolpe ..but why he gave permission for a man and a woman who are just playing and having fun in sex to give birth ? Do they deserve it ? Why did he gave bad poeple money ? Do they deserve it ? Just why he allowed from the very begining of the human kind that a man killed his brother from his mother and father Why did he just allowed that ..why didnt he end this story in a way or another ...where is his wisdom after all .. Dear Rabbi ... Im feeling giulty but in the same time i think i have the right justto tell God that he must have thought carefully before he could invent all this unlogical mess ... As if the humanity and mankind are drunk with a flask of badmess not wine ..In judism perspective i giulty thinking that way ? Is it forbidden to say that God had made a lot of mistakes since its a great sin in islam ? Does this kind of thinkingatch in a way or another in judism ?

Dear Rabbi .. As you know SHRIEM family is a family used to be jewish in the middle east ... But for some curcuimstances some turned to be muslim others to be christains and a lot went to isreal ... All I need to know if Some one from this tree family line can join judism Or not....thanks Rabbi for helping

It is my understanding that saying out loud Hashem's names (any of them ) in the bathroom is a moderate-medium violation of the Torah, because it is demeaning and derogratory (disrespectful) to God, simply because of the context includes the using of the toilet, for example. And I understand the part about the fact that it doesn't matter that a sink and a shower or bathtub might be there. But what is the general consensus Halacha ruling on the "thinking" about G-d IF the thinking occurs during the our cleansing inside thew shower or bathtub? Is it permissible or not? And secondly, does it make a difference if the so called "thinking" is done in a bathtub whereby we remain in the part-filthy part-soapy water as opposed to a shower where we are in a state of constant cleansing? Given the long history of the importance of remaining ritually clean, I should think that that the Halacha (including Mishna and Gomorra) would have extensive commentary on this matter and that silent thinking about G-d (for example, a posed in the written Torah or his will in general, or Hashem's relationship with Moshe and the Moshiach) is acceptable, on strict condition that the toilet is not being used in any way. Please explain in detail as much as possible. Thank You and Be Well.