I just came home from a produce store and realized they undercharged me by a substantial amount due to a cashier’s error. Normally in this situation, I would go back and pay the difference. But none of the people who work there, including the owners, speak my language. Communicating with them to explain the situation is impossible. Knowing exactly how much I owe is also difficult because the produce is mostly sold by weight. How should I handle this?

Could it be seen as being provocative, or anti-Palestinian, choosing to wear a Magen-David in this current climate?

I am curious, how do modern contemporary poskim rule and set responsa on questions? How exactly does one go from the Bible and Talmud to, say, the Igrot Moshe and Shulchan Halevi and Teshuvot V’hanhagot in terms of building Halacha and responsa?