Hey rabbis, I know somebody who was born non Jewish but converted under the auspices of a conservative rabbi and thinks he’s Jewish. For context He calls himself “non binary” (as in not a man or woman for gender) and is dating a man. He says that he’s Jewish because most Jews in America are not orthodox. How should I explain to him and other reform/conservative people why orthodoxy is a better form of Judaism to conservative/reform

I am am in my early 20’s. I have been through significant childhood trauma that I am in the process of overcoming. I’ve struggled with my relationship with hashem but I am finally ready to revisit it. I want to know if you can give me specific quotes from Chazal about hashem being a loving father. And about hashem lovingly giving us challenges. And others with a similar message for me to have to repeat to myself when things are hard that hashem loves me and didn’t abandon me to suffer.

There are certain things which Halacha prohibits to do in front of certain things because of Kedushah. You can’t for example be naked or have sex in front of an exposed visible sefer or mezuzah. You can’t bring sefarim or teffilin into the restroom. So what’s the Halacha about a menorah on Hanukah? Can you get changed, have sex in front of, bring into the restroom etc? Do any rabbis speak against this? Sources please

Shalom aleichem Rabbi Lauffer. Thank you for answering my last question. Rashi explains that Egyptian women were black and ugly. Why then, was it such a nisayon for Yosef to resist the seduction of Potiphar's wife to sleep with him, to the point where his only recourse was to release his zerah by stuffing his fingers into the ground? Why was it such a nisayon to resist such an ugly woman? Do any of the meforshim address this? Thanks.

I heard that in Jewish tradition, a prophet can resurrect dead people as long as not more than 2 days. After 2 days, in third days or more, only God can resurrect. Is it true?