Dear Rabbi I was born 12. 22. 1954 around 1 am Could you please tell me my hebrew birth date Thank you

There is a Halachic prohibition of Onaah, over charging the price of a commodity in a market. Halacha does permit the high pricing on new goods that you create and sell. My question is, is it Onaah to charge higher than market rate for a commodity type that exists already but is a unique and innovated version of it, for example a new type of phone or car with different features, designs, models etc.? Source for the answer to this question please

Shalom aleichem Rabbi Lauffer. Thank you for answering my last question. The Mishnah Berurah writes "Even if one rises after midnight for some purpose and intends to go back and sleep a further settled sleep subsequently, he may nevertheless say all these morning blessings then and will no longer have to say them when he gets up in the morning. This applies to all the morning blessings apart from the blessing Elokay Neshamah, which he should say then without the conclusion, and the blessing Ha-Ma'avir Sheynah, which he should say then without mention of the Divine Name. When he gets up subsequently in the morning, he should say these two blessings with mention of the Divine Name and the fact that He is King, as they should properly be said." Does the fact that he writes "even if one rises after midnight" imply that if one rose before midnight, or if he did not sleep at all, he should not say the morning blessings until it is actually dawn? And what does he mean by "for some purpose"? If he awakens for no purpose at all would the din be different? Thanks.

are there any kashrut issues in Halacha with eating carnivorous plants such as the Venus fly trap? If it’s not too much to ask, do any rabbanim here know of any discussions of this in Halakhic literature