Are we ever (under any given circumstances) allowed to communicate either in writing or by verbal speech --the term OMG? (Just to be sure and clarify-- OMG = "Oh My G-d." )  

Does the Halacha’s prohibition of bestiality apply to fish? The reason I ask is because Halacha distinguishes between fish and non fish animals for other aspects of Halacha, such as the need for shechita.

Where can I find Rabbis discussion on the age of training and service of the Priest. Especially this quote: "Rabbi Yosef B’chor Shor echoes sentiments expressed by Ramban when he notes that '25 is when lighter work begins, including singing. At age 30, heavier carrying kicks in, as strength kicks in (based on Avot 5:21). The rabbis also taught that at 25 he begins his training, while at 30 he begins to serve.'"