Is a man permitted to get into huge amounts of debt and drive himself toward bankruptcy in order to please his wife and keep their marriage happy when she has heavy materialistic cravings and no amount of counseling can curb her desires, and if those needs of hers are not met, marital harmony is compromised?

Which prayer, blessing, etc. would you consider makes for Hashem the most joy?

My employer holds mandatory weekly meetings at a non-kosher restaurant. The restaurant is cafeteria style and also sells some factory produced items with kosher certification that are intended for carryout but nevertheless ready to eat. Am I permitted to eat these items during the meetings at the same table while everyone else there eats non-kosher food?

I was raised by my father and stepmother, who to me is my mother. My father and stepmother are both Jewish. My biological mother was not Jewish. All my siblings who are the flesh and blood of my stepmother are Jewish and one of them became religious. And the woman I want to marry is Jewish. I was raised fully as a Jew with no hint of any other religion, and I had a bar mitzvah. Everyone who knows me thinks I am Jewish. But Jewish law doesn’t consider me Jewish because my biological mother who died when I was an infant was not. I can easily have a Reformed or Conservative conversion, but I want one that is Orthodox. I want to be just like everyone in my family and community. Is there any way, any loophole, where I can have an orthodox conversion to Judaism but not be fully observant and still be myself thereafter?