According to Halacha, Jews are supposed to remit the debts of other Jews every 7 years during the Shemitta year, which has a positive commandment and a negative commandment so My question is, are women also obligated in the positive commandment, or since it is time bound are they Petur? (Please provide a source)

So, as a DID system that was raised as a non-Jew, most of our alters are not Jewish, mostly pagan or atheist. However, we have some alters who were formed Jewish (ex: introjects whose sources are Jewish) and some alters who wish to convert. Can individual alters practice Judaism, or would the entire system/body need to convert?

Which sin is worse if one had no choice but to commit one of the two: a negiah violation or a Chillul Hashem? In my business life, I routinely cross paths with women who expect a handshake or sometimes a hug (a non-romantic one that is just a social gesture to which they are accustomed). Failing to do so is something they consider highly offensive in their culture. Many of these women I interact with know my language very sparsely, making explaining my religious beliefs to them nearly impossible.