Question Rabbi Mordechai Becher   JBSTV (ch 138)   Gateways login: I heard R. Becher's presentation on the peculiarities of the Sanhedrin's minimum-of-23-judge court, on "Dimensions of the Daf", on JBS ch 138. I wrote to him just to say "hello", and to perhaps-pointlessly offer him a copy of "Whoever...".   Dear Rabbi Becher, I have only recently been watching JBS tv (ch 138) for a few minutes each day. I am not fond of Reform Judaism, but I like to see what others are thinking. This morning I saw your presentation on the peculiarities of Sanhedrin trials for capital crimes (e.g., automatic acquittal for a unanimous 23-judge conviction). I have not read the Talmud formally, and I wouldn't do that. But I keep it close, as a reference source, to which I have had to turn many times. The teachings of your presentation today, however, were thoroughly unfamiliar to me. I found your presentation to be gripping and, in that respect, effective, because I could not turn it off after 5-10 minutes, as I usually do with ch 138 programming. I would welcome your opinions of the brief sections, in my own book, which touch on the Covenant (i.e., with whom was it actually made?) and on B'reishis 16:1-12, especially 8-10, which deals with the 'wild ass' theory of the origin of Islam. My views on these passages, which are unpopular views, are succinctly stated in the 2 Appendices of my book 'Whoever You Thought You Were...You're A Jew!'; a book which shows the manner in which ancient Judaism gave rise to all the durable religions of the world today, whether such is obvious (as in the cases of Christianity or Islam) or hidden (as in cases such as Buddhism or Hinduism). I doubt you'll have the time or the willingness to do this, although I also know that you have the knowledge and the energy to do it, if the ruoch moves you to do so. If you would even consider reviewing my brief presentations on these two subjects, and showing me where I'm wrong (which opinion, on your part, I'd greatly respect), please send me a mailing address and I'll send you a book. Please do not feel pressured in any way; I am not popular, and there will be no benefit to you, other than the benefit of knowing that you have brought the weight of your knowledge to bear on behalf of a man who was headed in the wrong direction, and that you have changed that direction to a better one. Unless, of course, you opine that I'm not wrong. That would be very interesting.

Does the service leader announce, "we are saying yahrzeit for" and say the mourner's names first followed by "has yahrzeit for" followed by their relation to the deceased (i.e. "their mother") and then the deceased name? Or do they announce, "we are saying yahrzeit for" ...the deceased's name, followed by the relationship (i.e. "mother of") then the mourner's name?

How far does the obligation to support a Jewish over a non-Jewish competitor go? Where I live is there is a Jewish-owned kosher supermarket and several non-Jewish supermarket franchises. The non-Jewish stores sell plenty of kosher products and many of the same items as the kosher store, often for less money. Sometimes it is more convenient to go to the non-Jewish stores when I am closer to one. And the kosher supermarket gets so crowded that there are very few times during the week when the lines are short enough that I really feel like going there. The owner of the kosher store is very wealthy and isn’t missing much if I shop somewhere else.

I have very small hands for an adult male, even smaller than my wife’s hands. There are cheap ladies gloves that are available in stores in lots of colors, but the ones in dark neutral colors look like they can be men’s gloves. It’s convenient for my wife and I to be able to share them. Does a man wearing ladies gloves that don’t look particularly feminine violate the biblical prohibition against wearing clothes of the opposite gender?

According to this article it is conceivably possible for human beings to turn their bone marrow into sperm and impregnate without physical intercourse. My question is, when this becomes possible would a woman be allowed to impregnate herself with her own bone marrow, or would this be prohibited Arayot (likely incest)? Is this prohibited in Halacha?