I am a 66 years old healthy woman. I am Orthodox but lately I can't seem to understand why we live and life is good but then we have to die. Thinking about this makes me very anxious. In Judaism is it wrong to think like this?  

Dear Rabbi, What rationale are given in Judaism for not eating meat and milk together? Thanks

Shalom aleichem Rabbi Lauffer. On Shabbos, would it be problematic to handle a plastic bag full of challah rolls if by doing so some of the ink from the logo on the package comes off on one's hands, thereby causing ink to adhere to one's hands, and also thereby removing some of the ink from the package? Thanks.

According to Halacha is wine previously handled by a publicly Mechalel Shabbat Jew who is now a Baal Teshuvah kosher retroactively? And would it be the same rule for him and for other Jews who drink it? sources please

I went to a different synagogue this Shabbat than I usually do. At this synagogue they recited Avinu Malkenu on Shabbat. They announced they were doing it because of the hostages in Gaza. What makes the recitation of Avinu Malkenu permitted on Shabbat? Under normal circumstances, Avinu Malkenu is never recited on Shabbat except for Yom Kippur Neilah.