According to Halacha, is there any issue with complimenting the looks of people forbidden to you as arayot (like a man saying another man is sexy), or no? Do any Responsa address this question?

In Halacha, is there a requirement for a Jewish adult to do the redemption of revai with a coin, or is it permissible for them to give a coin to a gentile as shaliach to do it? They are not obligated against Orlah, but is the monetary redemption of Revai a mitzvah which requires a Jew who is obligated to do it or merely a monetary action which anyone can do?

Hi I wanted to know if shamanic drumming is prohibited in halacha. People have told me that it is considered avoda zara. I was also wondering about chanting "om" while meditating to transcend to a higher subconscious. Thank you.

Are you allowed to swim in a pool on shabbat? If not, what is the reason you are not allowed? I have young children that enjoy swimming