Dear Rabbi, Is there a mitzvah to believe in God? Thanks

I know from some answers I’ve seen on this site to some questions others have asked that one is not supposed to pray in a non-orthodox congregation. But suppose someone does, have they fulfilled the mitzvah of having prayed with a tzibor? For example, if one is in his year of mourning and recites kaddish in a non-orthodox congregation, has he fulfilled his obligation to say kaddish? If one hears the shofar blown in a non-orthodox congregation, has he fulfilled the mitzvah of listening to the shofar?

As a conservative Jew can my body be cremated after I die? Is it different for reformed Jews?

According to Halacha, if a pregnant woman divorces the biological father of her baby while pregnant, what is the baby’s last name? How would it be determined in the scenario she gets married to another man, and what about if she is still single when she gives birth? Citations please