I am a lightly observant reform Jew (ashkenazi). Observe high holidays and consider myself a traditionalist. My wife would like to pass my middle name to our newborn son as his middle name. I can’t tell how I feel about this. Can someone please explain what, if any, implications exist if we go through with this?

On chol hamoed, Halacha permits melacha which isn’t intricate, but intricate melacha (generally) is forbidden. Can one use a 3d printer on chol hamoed? Are there any Teshuvot on this

Dear Rabbi, According to the Jewish sages, G-d gave Noah and his sons seven commandments, which apply to Jews and Non-Jew. One of these laws is not to worship idols such as the sun or what have you. However, this seems to contradict earlier biblical texts, which seem to indicate that while Israel is to worship Hashem alone, the other nations have their own appropriate gods. For example, Deuteronomy 29:26 shows that Hashem allotted other gods to the nations (Deuteronomy 32:8 as well), and Deuteronomy 4:19 tells us that the sun, moon and stars were given to the nations, and this seems right and good. I could, of course, give more examples. This contradicts both the idea of the Noahide Laws as well as the idea that the mission of the Jewish people is to spread monotheism. This idea, though, makes sense to me that the God of Israel is just that, the God of Israel, for he seems to show little concern for other nations ( with the notable exception of Jonah) except in how they interact with Israel, which makes sense if he gave that Job to another god like Chemosh. I was hoping you could help me sort through this. Sincerely, Adam. A

Can you give me the details of Jesus Christ fulfilling all the 613 Laws ? I mean, instances that all the 613 Laws were fulfilled by our Lord Jesus Christ with examples