In the Torah, Exodus 21:8 it is commanded that a man who acquires a Jewish girl sold by her parent has to either marry or redeem her. My question is, what if after he buys her he becomes mentally incompetent, what happens to her?

According to Halacha, it is permissible for Jews to recite havdalah early before Shabbat ends (although it’s recommend to do so in extenuating circumstances). My question is, does the same rule apply to Yom tov?

According to some Poskim, such as I believe the Tzitzit Eliezer, It is permissible to be Yotzei havdalah or Megillah over telephone. My question is, on Yom Tov, if one holds by this view may one hear kiddush via the telephone as ochel nefesh (a type of normally prohibited action permitted on Yom tov for holiday needs).