According to Halacha is wine previously handled by a publicly Mechalel Shabbat Jew who is now a Baal Teshuvah kosher retroactively? And would it be the same rule for him and for other Jews who drink it? sources please

I went to a different synagogue this Shabbat than I usually do. At this synagogue they recited Avinu Malkenu on Shabbat. They announced they were doing it because of the hostages in Gaza. What makes the recitation of Avinu Malkenu permitted on Shabbat? Under normal circumstances, Avinu Malkenu is never recited on Shabbat except for Yom Kippur Neilah.

Recently my husband was given a write up at work for using the word Jew to help pronounce a word. His boss was enraged and said that he shouldn't be using that word and gave him a written warning that stated if he used the word again he would be in a lot of trouble. She said the word was very offensive and shouldn't be used in the work place. I am not Jewish so I honestly had no idea how this word could be in any way a slur. I was hoping that someone here would be able to tell me what his boss meant by the word being offensive sense she herself is also not Jewish and failed to give an explanation to it. I also can't really find anything online on the topic either. I'm not looking to get into any arguments or offend anyone just to better understand.

I have a question: If you eat dates in baked apples or grinded in smoothies do they have a special place because they are a special fruit and require the 3 faceted blessing after/ birchas meein shalosh (as we do after the 7 fruits of eretz yisroel)?

There is a dispute in Tractate Chullin whether Reishit Hagez (the commandment to give the first shearing of the flock to a Kohen) applies in the Diaspora like it does the Land of Israel. My question is, even according to the opinion in Halacha of it not applying, what about cases where there is a sheep born in the Diaspora but brought into the Land of Israel and first sheared there?