This probably sounds like a silly question, but I’ve been wanting to understand for a long time. Does Judaism believe that pets, such as dogs, go to some form of heaven? I’ve heard conflicting views from different sources, but I just can’t understand how dogs, the epitome of innocence and kindness in this world, could be prevented from getting any sort of enjoyment once they pass away. Same thing with dog owners not being allowed to spend their afterlife reunited with their dog, who might’ve been one of the main sources of true joy during this life. I understand that a lot of things animals do is mainly instinct, but I feel that dogs display real emotions and acts of heroism and kindness. Is this what the Torah says? Can I believe that once my dog passes on, I may be reunited with him when I pass on?   Thank you so much

According to Halacha, is there any issue with complimenting the looks of people forbidden to you as arayot (like a man saying another man is sexy), or no? Do any Responsa address this question?

In Halacha, is there a requirement for a Jewish adult to do the redemption of revai with a coin, or is it permissible for them to give a coin to a gentile as shaliach to do it? They are not obligated against Orlah, but is the monetary redemption of Revai a mitzvah which requires a Jew who is obligated to do it or merely a monetary action which anyone can do?

Hi I wanted to know if shamanic drumming is prohibited in halacha. People have told me that it is considered avoda zara. I was also wondering about chanting "om" while meditating to transcend to a higher subconscious. Thank you.