Shalom aleichem Rabbi Lauffer. Thank you for answering my last question. Just as a follow-up question to the answer that Rabbi Lauffer gave, I looked up one of the sources that Rabbi Lauffer provided that was Chut Shani Vol. 2 pg. 47, which I believe is the following תינוק שנשבה שעשה מלאכה בשבת צ״ע אם נאסר להשתמש בזה, והנידון בזה האם דינו כשוגג, או דינו גרע משוגג ואפשר דלא אסרו חז״ל בכה״ג, וצ״ע If this is indeed the Chut Shani that the article referenced, can Rabbi Lauffer translate that for me, thanks.

Good morning, I have a question concerning Genesis 2:23 "And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man." Can you please tell me if there is any hint, any clue in this text in the Hebrew as to HOW WILL OTHER PEOPLE KNOW that the woman was taken out of man? Could you please recommend any teaching, lectures on this subject and send me a few links or names I could find online? I do appreciate your help. every blessing to you

As Jews, we take for granted we are monotheists. But are there other things we do that violate the biblical prohibition against idolatry without us realizing? For example, is an obsession or an obsessive interest in something or someone considered idolatry? That being we enjoy something or someone so much that the subject occupies our thoughts most of the time to the point that we can’t get it out of our heads, and we are thinking about it throughout the day, even at times when we are supposed to be concentrating on something else.

In Halacha, Jews generally should violate Dina D’Malchuta Dina if it contradicts Halacha. This is why Orthodox Jews normally follow the Torah’s inheritance laws over secular law. But do inheritance taxes violate Halacha (since inheritance in Torah puts family first) so that Jews can’t comply with them, or are they compatible with Halacha so that Dina D’malchuta Dina applies? Beyond the moral question of whether they should exist.