I take daily vitamins that are in capsules, they are O U certified but not kosher for pesach. Do they have to be kosher for pesach?

I saw someone’s question about dangerous jobs. What does Jewish law say about someone voluntarily entering the armed forces of their country (other than Israel)? Doing so is gambling your life for your country and whatever money you can earn.

If one is in the middle of Pesukei Dezimra and feels the need to use the restroom, which requires taking off their tefillin, do they put them back on after using the restroom?

Some Jews, particularly Hasidism, are Machmir not to use non meshuval wine viewed by a gentile for mitzvot (such as kiddush, havdalah, zimun etc.). I believe this is from Kabbalah. Does this Halacha or chumra apply If viewed indirectly like through a camera or binoculars