According to Halacha, may a Jew sue another Jew through a beit din for the actions of a corporation the other Jew is invested in if that corporation is a limited liability structure under secular law? The reason I ask is because on the one hand it could be considered like they are exempt from personal liability due to Dina D’malchuta Dina but on the other hand since third parties didn’t consent to the limited liability contract it arguably doesn’t apply. In this case all/most shareholders are also Jews but nobody has a majority vote

Are women obligated to mention Shabbat, Rosh Chodesh, Yom Tov, Hanukkah etc. when bentching on those holidays or no since its time bound

From the standpoint of achieving the level of cleanliness one must have for prayer and other spiritual activities, is it preferable to take a bath or shower? Or does it even matter?

In Halacha, is there a mitzvah of Bikur cholim to visit people who injured themselves, either by negligence or intentionally?

In Halacha, there is a general prohibition against destruction (with many exceptions, my question is if it is permitted to destroy in order to sell property, for example a homeowner destroying a fruit tree in order to increase home value if buyers don’t like it