In Halacha, Jews and gentiles are prohibited from eating limbs of living animals, known as Ever Min Hachai. However , is there no prohibition of Ever Min Hachai for a Ben Pekuah, as it is considered an organ of the slaughtered animal. Noahides don’t have shechita rules so I don’t know

I've been having difficulty getting up / out in the morning for Kaddish. I was OK for the first 3 months. I take Vicodine and Valium as prescribed upon waking up, coffee and some regular medication. Can I do something in place of going to minyan ? TY

Hi, Is there a torah/gemara source for the fact that children, left alone in their first years of life, would automatically acquire loshon hakodesh?

According to the Halacha, do less do yibbum with a mentally incompetent woman who’s a sister in law after your brother dies