In Halacha, there is a general prohibition against destruction (with many exceptions, my question is if it is permitted to destroy in order to sell property, for example a homeowner destroying a fruit tree in order to increase home value if buyers don’t like it

In Halacha, Jews are forbidden from having animals do prohibited melachot on Shabbat. My question is, is there any issur of Lifnei iver with animals, or no, since animals don’t have the same free will humans do? As an example, putting an electronic color on a dog, which the dog could activate on Shabbat, before Shabbat would be setting the animal up to cause melacha on Shabbat, so would it be Lifnei iver?

In Halacha, are Bnei Noach prohibited from Doresh El Hametim? The 7 Noahide mitzvoth are categories of commandments (as An example the law against theft includes using honest measurements), and as such is necromancy prohibited under the prohibition of idolatrous practices/resembling avodah zarah or no?