I've been having difficulty getting up / out in the morning for Kaddish. I was OK for the first 3 months. I take Vicodine and Valium as prescribed upon waking up, coffee and some regular medication. Can I do something in place of going to minyan ? TY

Hi, Is there a torah/gemara source for the fact that children, left alone in their first years of life, would automatically acquire loshon hakodesh?

According to the Halacha, do less do yibbum with a mentally incompetent woman who’s a sister in law after your brother dies

On what doorposts inside the house should one put a mezuzah, and what should the position of the mezuzah be?

I am a kohen living in a high rise apartment. Many, possibly most people in the building are Jewish, many elderly. I recently learned that an old Jewish lady in the building died. I never knew her personally. I don’t know exactly when she died or if I was at home at the time. But I went to the shiva and heard she died at home. I want to know for future reference, if someone dies in the building and I am aware of it, do I have to leave the building until the corpse is removed?