According to Halacha, if a Jew eats meat, do they have to wait after eating meat to consume whey, or do they merely have to finish eating, wash their mouth, and drink water? Are the rules for whey different when it comes to waiting after meat relative to milk or no?

According to Leviticus 7:24 forbidden fats from non Shech’ted animals may be used for any purpose but eating. Therefor is it permissible to cook them with dairy and/or sell them mixed with dairy? Or is that still issur hanaah despite this Passuk saying it can be used for non eating purposes?

The Torah tells us l'yirah ליראה Hashem. This is frequently translated as to fear Hashem. I have always understood this to mean to respect or be in awe of Hashem. What do you belive it means?

The area I just moved to has no eruv. I moved into a gated community in the area. The entire development is surrounded by an uninterrupted fence. It has one entrance for cars and two for pedestrians. The car entrance/exit has a set of gates that slide open whenever an authorized car approaches and closes once the car passes through, forming a complete seal. The pedestrian entrances are metal gate-style doors that open with a key provided to each tenant. Can this be considered an eruv that would permit carrying within the development?

In the Torah, Exodus 21:8 it is commanded that a man who acquires a Jewish girl sold by her parent has to either marry or redeem her. My question is, what if after he buys her he becomes mentally incompetent, what happens to her?