Does Friday have any special holiness above earlier days of the week because it is closer to Shabbat? Does the day need to be treated with any extra respect? Are there any activities in modern times that Jewish law actually either requires or forbids us to do on Erev Shabbat in honor of Shabbat?

Hi, This is more an emotional question I'm hoping you can provide insight on. I'm seeing a therapist but I wanted to get a Jewish perspective on it. My husband and I have unexplained infertility. We've had many tests and procedures done, but we have been unable to have any children. B'H we are both healthy and are able to live life. But I'm not understanding why Hashem would put this pain my heart while trying to face the fact we may not become parents. Thank you for your time. B'H

does the Halacha’s prohibitio of Chadash apply to one of the five grains grown hydroponically or no?

Generally speaking, what is the difference in halachic methodology between orthodox rabbis (like Joseph Soloveitchik or Mordechai Eliyahu) and conservative rabbis like Saul Lieberman and Elliot Dorff for how they make responsa?

Hello, In the past millennia or so, why did so many Jewish people end up in Europe (and eventually North America) and settling there instead of the East like the Orient? Did Jews prefer the Western cultures or lands over the East was it just pure coincidence or circumstances? Why did history turn out that way? As someone of Far East Asian descent who admires Jewish culture, it saddens me a little there isn't much Jewish history in China, Korea, Japan compared to Europe like Germany, France, Italy, Ukraine, Russia, Lithuania, Poland, etc.