In Halacha, are Bnei Noach prohibited from Doresh El Hametim? The 7 Noahide mitzvoth are categories of commandments (as An example the law against theft includes using honest measurements), and as such is necromancy prohibited under the prohibition of idolatrous practices/resembling avodah zarah or no?

Dear Rabbi, I was contacted by a group in Israel to volunteer visiting wounded soldiers in the hospital on occasion. Sounds good and I am wondering if this is mitzvah and what should be the goal my going? Thanks!

Oh hello! Weird question that I'm hoping someone can help me with! I'm a ceramic artist (I make porcelain functional pottery) and I'm working on a wedding gift for two close friends. This couple is fairly observant and I want to make sure that anything I make them (I'm thinking a large serving bowl or platter for Shabbos) is fully kosher. I make all of my own materials from scratch, including clay and glazes, and I fire my work to close to 2400f, which is about as hot as any type of ceramic-ware would be fired to (I use high-fire clay as opposed to porous earthenware). I don't see any reason why handmade ceramics wouldn't be kosher, unless perhaps I were to fire a kiln on Shabbat or rub a bunch of treif food over everything, neither of which I plan to do... Nonetheless, I want to make sure I'm making something that can be used, and I actually don't know anyone in the Orthodox community who makes pottery we are. I'd love some feedback! And luckily, if an issue pops up, I can always just make a vase...   Thanks!