I have a cousin, who along with her husband, are Ashkenazim who eat kitniyot on Pesach in rebellious defiance of Ashkenazi guidelines. Her husband is a member of an internet group that believes kitniyot laws should be abolished. They want us to come spend the first two days of Pesach with them. What should we do?

Would there be an issue of בשר שנתעלם מן העין regarding takeout grab and go beef meals sold in supermarkets that the container is not tamper proof and does not have a seal. Mashgiach is only present during production and containers are sold throughout the day.

Hi, Rabbi, Happy Passover! I see on the calendar that there a few days called the “Intermediate Days” of Passover. What are they all about? Thanks and happy Passover to you and the entire Gateways staff!

Dear Rabbi, Why do we drink four cups of wine at the Passover Seder? Thank you.