Our new house was build weirdly in many ways. One of those oddities is the master bedroom can only be reached by walking through a bathroom. Does that mean we can never bring a siddur or any kind of sefer or my tefillin into the bedroom?

I am a recent convert to the Islam. Ramadan has just begun. And I have to fast in the daytime for the month. This is so hard for me I am really struggling. I never did anything like this before. I know that Jews fast a lot. What is some advice you have as a Jew for getting comfortably through a daily fast?

Hi Rabbi, Are gentiles considered the children of Hashem? Will they be in the future? If not, how should they deal with the fact that they matter less to Almighty G-d as mere creatures (dogs and cats are also creatures) because they happen to have had the wrong kind of mother? Respectfully yours,    

I always thought you cannot do things to prepare for after Shabbat. And you cannot carry anything within an eruv that you plan to use solely after Shabbat. But I’ve faced a common scenario where I go over someone’s house for a Shabbat meal and they offer me leftovers and other food to take home that realistically there is zero chance I will eat during Shabbat. They get offended if I say no. When I explain the laws of the eruv, which are printed explicitly in the eruv guidebook everyone has, they act like it doesn’t apply in this situation. Many people get upset that I act like a know-it-all when all I am trying to do is follow Jewish law. Even some rabbis I go over sometimes offer me food to take home. This appears to be widespread practice in our community as many view the eruv as a free-for-all. What should I do about this?

Thanks for your response :) Unfortunately, I struggle with the mitzvah of shmirat anyim everyday - even though I have seforim and online to help overcome it. This sin is done only between man and God. There is no direct harm a Jew can do upon another Jewish person. However, the sin of lashon hara and rechilut has the potential to harm another Jewish person which is between man and man. Many people don't realize the powerful impact of their words that can " kill " another Jewish soul. My questions here is after the paragraph below and thanks a million for your precious time in reading the entire e-mail For example, a Jewish married man or a group of Jews familiar with a name of a certain Jewish single - they constantly make fun of him behind his back, and degrading his reputation status to the point that either this man committed suicide due to mounting pressure of shame OR speaking badly that resulted in a a long delay of time to get married OR even worse robbed away his happiness by remaining single until the end of his life. 1) How many in the entire Torah pasukim in common that describes such an incident like here - 1 2 or 3 like "Do not murder" and so and so..... 2) Is it a such a harder struggle for many Jews to uphold shmirat halashon more than shmirat anayim? 3) How does Hashem deal with such a person - he loses a chelek in olam haba for "killing" another Jew or what....? 4) And lastly, what is the kapparah a person can do to mechaper the averiah he did? -- but it doesn't do any help to the Jewish soul who cried and missed his lifetime opportunity in finding shared happiness between man and wife. Thanks again and tzche limitzvos