According to this answer Jews can make up their obligation to visit their rebbe on Yom tov found in Masechet Rosh Hashanah by visiting during Chol Hamoed of the holiday if they missed the opportunity during the first day of Yom Tov. However, is it permitted by Halacha to fullfill this mitzvah through zoom or telephone?

Jeremiah prophecies about Rachel weeping for her children because they “are not” many commentators say he is comparing this to Rachel. However Rachel did end if conceiving.. so I don’t understand. What does a voice heard in Rama?

According to the Halacha it’s a mitzvah for Jews to visit their rebbes on Yom tov. My understanding is some poskim say it is a reminder of the yom tov korbanot, therefor could Jews who didn’t visit on Pesach visit on Pesach sheini

Our new house was build weirdly in many ways. One of those oddities is the master bedroom can only be reached by walking through a bathroom. Does that mean we can never bring a siddur or any kind of sefer or my tefillin into the bedroom?