There are some cracks in the leather of the yad teffilin where i tuck in behind my hand when tightening it at the end. The rest of the arm - all that is visible - is completely black. Do the straps need to be changed or is it still kosher?

Is swimming / hanging out in a pool allowed during Chag of pesach?

My bris certificate names me as Elan. My bar mitzvah certificate says Alon. I know that my parents believed my Hebrew name to be Alon at the time. My Q: is one more official than the other? does it create any confusion that needs to be sorted out?   Thanks, Itsyk  

Our cat had to be euthanized after it was determined by numerous sources that the pet was undergoing severe discomfort, pain, and suffering. Due to a possible rabies situation, the vet was required (according to law) the cat had to be cremated and tested for rabies. What should be done with the cremated remains? Should the remains be buried in a pet cemetery? I am understanding that it should not receive a grave stone and not be mourned like a human. Could the cremated remains be kept in a Jewish home or would burying be more appropriate? Thanks

Is there any etymological relation between the words chametz and matzah? They do share the מ and the צ in that order in common. But the letter ח is normally not a modifier in the Hebrew language.