The shul I attend has some members who are not fully observant who drive there. One of them is an elderly gentleman who walks with a cane. This past Shabbos, he dropped some of his change on the floor (which is muktzeh). He was determined to retrieve it all himself. But I thought it would be a hazard for him to bend down and pick it all up, and I did it for him. Did I do the right thing? No one else seemed to notice.

Since sex on Yom Kippur is biblically prohibited, are babies born from sex on it Mamzerut? Is there any Responsa regarding this

According to Halacha is it permissible for a kohen to make an animal or more specifically foreleg, cheeks and maw issur hanaah so the shochet is Petur from giving them the gift

To my knowledge Jews are prohibited against prostitution and harlotry, gentiles are not. But can Jews benefit from the profit of gentile prostitutes