my question relates to oral sex on a man. I understand that there is debate over this being an accepted activity between a married couple. But if it was accepted, what would be the appropriate choice be once the man has finished ie: is it considered acceptable to swallow? Is there an argument that doing so is cannibalism? If the source is a Jewish man, is there an issue with kashrut law? I guess, to sum up, what’s the deal with giving oral sex to a man?

As a listener from a reader, but with my own megillah, i have the next questions. 1) according to the halacha, the megillah needs to be folded as a letter in front of the crowd, so this is a reference to the reader in the bimah, so, also the mitpalelim who are in the shul and have a megillah must fold it as letter, or I can follow the reading in the "scroll" way.   2) If I need to fold my megillah, how I need to do it? I have a 11 rows megillah. Thank you.

If one fails to fast on Yom Kippur when they have no medical reason not to fast, the punishment is koret. Is there any punishment for one who neglects to fast on a minor fast day when they are medically able? Is it considered sinful to neglect such a fast?

If a bat kohen/levi donates eggs to a bat Yisrael, and she conceives by an Yisrael father with a first born boy, is he obligated in Pidyon Haben? What if bat Yisrael donates eggs to bat kohen/Levi? Sources please

Is it true that people have limited words, if so what happens when you run out of them and what is the source for this?