I heard a Jewish woman is tameh (even with no blood) after her first sex with a man. Is it true? Also A) what’s the din if she’s a convert who had sex pre conversion? B) what if her first sex is anal, oral, or handjob?

The Talmud in Masechet Pesachim 49a states that a bat kohen marriage to an Israelite am Haaretz is not a Seudat mitzvah. My question is, are there any other areas of Halacha where this situation is different, such as the restriction on melacha for a week (or 3 days), simchat Chattan v’kallah, and Sheva berachot?

The Halacha states that there is a mitzvah to honor first born brothers. My question is, does this apply if the oldest brother is adopted? What if the oldest brother who is adopted is a first born from his mother? What if there is a brother who is a first born from his mother but not the oldest brother Among the family, do you have to honor both him and the biological oldest brother?

Is it problematic at all in Halacha with Jews reciting yizkor prayers for non observant parents who have died? Or no, even if they weren’t particularly observant or religious is it still preferable to say after they’ve passed?