Who gets credit for the mitzvah of circumcision? Does a man who goes through his life after having been circumcised as an infant get credit for the mitzvah of being circumcised? Or is it just his parents who made the effort to have him circumcised? I am asking because I never had a son and therefore never had to opportunity to circumcise one.

According to some poskim, beit haknesset and beit midrashim have some similar rules to the temple. My question is, according to Halacha can women who’re yoledet enter a synagogue even though she may not enter the temple to my understanding

Can Jews fulfill the chiyuv of saying 100 berachot a day by answering amen to another Jew’s beracha, or must they recite it themselves

Dear Rabbis, as an anthropology student at the South Asian Institute (Heidelberg University) I am currently doing research on spirit possession and exorcism among Jewish communities. My question relates to the seemingly practiced exorcism of dybbuks on the one hand and what the Torah says about interacting with the dead (Leviticus 20:6 and 20:27) on the other hand. How do the two approaches co-exist? I understand that posing a question via this platform is unusual, however it is very important for my research to understand the point of view of the culture I am describing.   Thank you very much in advance for your time!   Kind regards, Seraphim

Dear Rabbi, I saw that you (or another rabbi) wrote that one can only obtain simcha on the holiday from wine and not from grape juice. So how about if a person does not like wine and does not enjoy drinking it. But he does enjoy drinking non-alcoholic grape juice and is really happy when doing so?