Divine Providence and Visualization
Shalom rabbi,
I read a book on bitachon. It said that if a man believes in own abilities then the divine Providence will be taken away from him. I have very low self esteem. I am reprogramming my subconscious mind with a book. If I reprogram my subconscious mind, immediately my reality will change. I have difficulty understanding the divine Providence. I also have other subconscious blocks. I should change myself with certain practices like visualization. If I visualize, I visualize in the present. Am I believing my own abilities and ignoring divine Providence if I follow visualization and changing self image? I have guilt everytime I follow visualization. Should I stop changing by subconscious mind and believe in Hashem and pray to him? Or should I practice reprogramming subconscious mind and believe in Hashem at the same time. The latter is causing guilt in me. Please help me. Thank you