Our 24-year-old son is socially drawn to older women who have ‘motherly’ personalities rather than young men his age. His entire circle of friends is like that. His best friend is a divorced Jewish woman in her 50s who has two sons of her own around his age. He is not romantically involved with her and has no desire to be. Their friendship is purely platonic. He just considers her his best friend and they hang out together and talk on the phone a lot. This makes us uncomfortable, but we have no control over him because he is legally an adult. And his friend is older than both of us. He is planning on taking a long road trip with her this coming summer in which they camp out most nights in separate tents, occasionally stay in separate hotel rooms, and see the national parks and Disneyland. He thinks this behavior is kosher. We think otherwise. He ignores our instructions not to do this, and legally we have no recourse. What do you think as a rabbi?

According to those like the gr"a that seem to hold that the rabanan only argued with rav yochanan regarding "turning over the table" and agreed to all the other cases such as a kissing the osso makom which would cause a mute fetus rachmanan latzon. Can it be even if the woman is not pregnant meaning can kissing the osso makom today cause the birth defect when she gets pregnant in the future?

Suppose you have a meal, drink, or snack, then you think you’ve had enough to eat to satiety and recite your bracha acharona, and then a few minutes later, you are hungry (or thirsty) once again, do you have to recite a bracha on the next batch of food or drink?