i understand that when moshiach will arrive it will be the fruition of dir betachtonim but i wondering what will be the point of the jewish people then? or what will be the point of torah and mitzvot after the arrival of moshiach? once it is accomplished what we need to accomplish then that's it? if it would be possible please include sources in your answer.

What is the kashrus status of heart of palm. There is lots of heart of palm on the market with reliable hechsherim. But in order to harvest heart of palm, a palm tree needs to be cut down and is destroyed. Many species of palm tree are fruit bearing. The label does not say what palm species it comes from.

I am just curious what Torah laws forbid looking at a picture of an immodestly clad woman? One who does so is not really looking at a woman, but is just seeing a collection of dots of ink (or pixels of light on a screen)?

Dear Rabbi, When is Israel’s “Independence Day” this year? Also, what is it called in Hebrew and how is it celebrated? Thanks!