Dear Rabbi, During the recent war I’ve seen video clips of Israeli soldiers and civilians singing and saying “Am Yisrael Chai.” It seems to be an expression of elation and triumph. What does it mean and where does it come from? Thanks

The 14th of Adar (or Adar II in a leap year) can never fall out on Shabbat on the fixed calendar. But suppose it could, what would be different from normal about the way Purim is observed?

I heard a Jewish woman is tameh (even with no blood) after her first sex with a man. Is it true? Also A) what’s the din if she’s a convert who had sex pre conversion? B) what if her first sex is anal, oral, or handjob?

The Talmud in Masechet Pesachim 49a states that a bat kohen marriage to an Israelite am Haaretz is not a Seudat mitzvah. My question is, are there any other areas of Halacha where this situation is different, such as the restriction on melacha for a week (or 3 days), simchat Chattan v’kallah, and Sheva berachot?