Hello, I am a high school student in Australia studying Judaism and their different beliefs about certain beginning and end of life technologies. For my essay, i have chosen the ethical debates surrounding the use of IVF. I was wondering what perspectives the different branches (reform, conservative, and/or orthodox Jews) believe regarding the following dilemmas: the status of the embryo, especially regarding the surplus embryos that don't get used for the pregnancy the emotional pressures of the mother, especially for multiple rounds of IVF and the financial cost and access, regarding who has access, and the pressures of the finances on the mother. any help will be greatly appreciated! I look forward to hearing back from you, Ruby

Dear Rabbi, Do you think there a single theme that unites all of the mitzvahs of Purim? Thank you for this wonderful service. Happy Purim!

Dear Rabbi, Is it true that God is not mentioned in the Book of Esther? If so, why not? Thanks.

I had embraced the ideology which is very similar to the philosophy of Amalek for 2 years in early 20's. There is no God, everything happens coincidently, morality is relative, and so on. I only recently knew that those ideas are very disgusting in the eye of HaShem. I really didn't know that that's so harmful. Now I firmly believe that HaShem runs the world, and there is the Divine purpose behind everything. What shall I do to be forgiven for my sin of believing philosophy of Amalek? What shall I do?