Is there any Jewish law prohibiting the purchase of processed foods on Chol Hamoed Pesach that are free of Chametz, but not certified KFP, when the intention is to use them after Pesach?

I’m raising rabbits and did realize they were unclean. Know that I do can I use there fur and make dog food out of there meat. My family and I are learning to be more off grid living. We started raising rabbits before I realized they are uncles to eat so we sell as pets.

If one moves to Israel and rents an apartment, but makes regular frequent trips back to the United States to see family and friends, is that considered living in Israel for the purpose of observing one day of Yom Tov?

I forgot to perform the Mitzvah erev Purim of Machtzis Hashekel, can I still do it today? Is there any form or way to perform it now in Nissan?