Hi Rabbi, I was attempting to kasher 2 kosher knives that had accidentally become treif in a pot, after waiting the requisite 24 hours and 2 boilings in the pot, but once I put the knives in the pot, I saw that the pot was too small to fit both knives. My question is now is there a problem with the pot now that had it had treif in it with hot water, or is it fine because the knives were clean and hadn’t been used for 24 hours? On top of that, is there any board rules about kashering in a pot I should know? With many thanks and appreciation.

I take daily vitamins that are in capsules, they are O U certified but not kosher for pesach. Do they have to be kosher for pesach?

I saw someone’s question about dangerous jobs. What does Jewish law say about someone voluntarily entering the armed forces of their country (other than Israel)? Doing so is gambling your life for your country and whatever money you can earn.