If one moves to Israel and rents an apartment, but makes regular frequent trips back to the United States to see family and friends, is that considered living in Israel for the purpose of observing one day of Yom Tov?

I forgot to perform the Mitzvah erev Purim of Machtzis Hashekel, can I still do it today? Is there any form or way to perform it now in Nissan?

According to the Halacha, is it permitted for Jews to eat or drink during kriat Sh’ma, or no is that prohibited as a hefsek? Or no, is it not necessarily a hefsek to fulfilling the mitzvah? Sources please

Hello Rabbi, I wanted to know, how does the Gemara know prohibitory law and monetary law?

Is it mandatory for a person who leads the teaching a siyum to partake of the Seudat Mitzvah or are they permitted to keep fasting and lead the siyum for the benefit of others?